Friday, November 21, 2008

"Somethin's Cookin' at Babson" recipe collection (1984)

Last year at about this time I acquired a copy of Somethin's Cookin' at Babson from President William Dill. This collection of Babson College staff favorite recipes was printed in 1984 as a fund-raiser for the Babson College Women's Club with the proceeds going for scholarships. With a week before Thanksgiving 2008 I re-post it for the use and amusement of the community.

R. C. (Rip) Rybnikar
Babson College Archives

Monday, November 17, 2008

What Roger W. Babson Said September 5, 1929

In these uncertain economic times there has been much quoting and noting of the comments made by Roger W. Babson at his 25th Anniversary Conference on September 5, 1929. The following excerpt is from the September 16, 1929 issue of Babson's Reports and it is said to be verbatim:

"Sooner or later a crash is coming which will take the leading stocks and cause a decline of from 60 to 80 points in the Dow-Jones Barometer. Fair weather cannot always continue. The Federal Reserve System has put the banks in a strong position; but it has not changed human nature. More people are borrowing and speculating today than ever in our history. Sooner or later there is a crash coming and it may be a terrific one. Wise are those investors who now get out of debt and reef their sails. This doesn't mean selling all that you have, but it does mean paying up your loans and avoiding margin speculation." [emphasis in the original]

PBS did a film on the Crash of 1929 [see transcript] which has a useful Timeline of Wall Street activities.

R. C. (Rip) Rybnikar
Babson College Archives

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Presidental Election...1940

In early November of 2008 we have just ended a long campaign for President of the United States. Here at Babson we have an association with campaigns for the White House. In 1940, our founder, Roger W. Babson, ran for President of the United States as a candidate of the New Prohibition Party. The party was much more broadly reform-oriented than its name might suggest. Mr. Babson and his running mate Edgar V. Moorman ran a vigourous campaign but received only 57,903 of the 49,903,113 votes cast. Mr. Babson writes of the experience in the 1949 edition of his autobiography Actions and Reactions (p. 299-316) and in a book Our Campaign for the Presidency which is available in the Babson Collection (E811.B2 1941) in the Horn Library.

R. C. (Rip) Rybnikar
Babson College Archives